Thursday, August 9, 2012

Quick Highlights of the Week

Life has been incredibly busy between recovering from Jamers' 30th birthday and planning my friend Ashley's baby shower this weekend, so my apologies for not writing more! Since it has been a few days since my last post, I thought the easiest thing to do would be to give a quick overview of the highlights of the week thus far.

On Tuesday, Karlee and I went to our first career fair together! It was the Andre Carson Career Fair sponsored by Ivy Tech. It was a pretty big turn out and Karlee and I discovered that we are quite the dynamic duo when it comes to career fairs!

Wednesday brought forth another recruiting event, which was a Recruiters Informational Breakfast at Butler University. It gave us a lot of good ideas and got us thinking about some upcoming projects we may want to execute. We also had a delicious breakfast of eggs, sauteed veggies, hash browns and fresh fruit. Really good!

My lunches this week have been nothing but salads, which is fine by me! And as I mentioned in this post, I can't stop eating black beans. I've been putting them in pretty much every salad I eat and also just eating them on their own or as a side dish. In fact, I did BOTH for yesterday's lunch!

Between all of that, I've just been trying my best to get some work outs in and drink plenty of water from my favorite water bottle by Camelbak!

It's very important to stay hydrated when you're keeping busy like I have been this week.

The only other thing I want to post, because I haven't done so yet, is a picture of our new front room in all of it's glory!

New paint, new carpet, new furniture and voila! I can't wait to host the shower in this room in just a couple of days!

Until next time.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Jamieson's 30th Birthday Bash in Detroit!


As you may remember from this post, my gift to Jamieson for his birthday this year was two tickets to a Tigers game in Detroit this past weekend. What some of you may not know, because I couldn't blog about it and risk the birthday boy seeing it, is that for months now I've planned to have Jamieson's friends and both of our families surprise him by also making the trip to Detroit and going to the game with us! 

When we were settled into our hotel room, I 'arranged for a cab' to pick us up in front of the hotel. Shortly thereafter, my mother, AKA the cab driver, called me to tell me that everyone was ready and for us to come downstairs. When we got down there, Jamers did not see a cab waiting, but he did see this:

And this was the look on his face!

So, we all boarded the bus and headed to dinner at Red Smoke Barbeque where we enjoyed hearty helpings of ribs, pulled pork, mac 'n cheese and jalepeno cornbread! 

After that we headed to Comerica Park where the Tigers defeated the Cleveland Indians! We had a great time, despite the fact that it poured down rain half way through the second inning! 

The rain was a little unexpected if you couldn't tell by the look on my face, but in the end it made for some great memories. 

We ended the night at a casino where Jamers did not win anything, but a couple of his friends did, so that was cool. We headed to the hotel after that and fell asleep instantly, as we were so tired from all the fun we had!

Jamieson said it was the best birthday he's ever had which made all of the hard work that went into planning the event totally worth it.
Until next time!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Salads Galore

Good evening, and happy August!

I apologize for the lack of writing lately. It's been a busy week and we finally have our new furniture in the front room. 

Backing up to yesterday, I started my Tuesday with some delicious overnight oats that I made with honey-flavored Greek yogurt and it was a definite success! Plus, I topped everything with bananas and strawberries. YUM.

Jamers and I did Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred on Monday and after a weekend of drinking and making bad food choices, I really gave it 110%, which was great except for the fact that when I woke up on Tuesday, my lower back pain had returned!

I had to sit on a pillow and a heating pad all day at work yesterday, which meant there was no way I was going to attempt a strenuous workout. I could hardly help Jamieson push (not lift) our new furniture around the room.

Anyway, lunch was a Southwestern salad that consisted of a mixture of spinach and romaine lettuce, cherry tomatoes, black beans, avocado and oil & vinegar. It was a good lunch that kept me full and tasted delicious. Black beans may be my new food obsession!

Back at the Prala household that night, we got our furniture situated and Seth promptly claimed the new swivel chair as his napping area. Kind of cute, but my lint roller is certainly going to be put to good use in the coming future.

I will take some better pictures of the room soon!

After taking a bubble bath and sleeping on my heating pad for most of the night, my back felt immensely better this morning, but I didn't want to push it, so my workout consisted of a 'Friendship Walk' with Brooke and Traci to the Circle and back - essentially our favorite workout activity. We do walk briskly and the hot weather keeps us sweating. Then we all did some good stretching back at the fitness center!

I had yet another salad for today's lunch. For this one I pretty much threw together whatever I could find in my fridge: spinach, cherry tomatoes, green pepper, mushrooms, feta cheese, chick peas, oil & vinegar. For my side I had more green peppers and hummus.

The flavors were a perfect 10!

Dinner tonight was 'Light' Chicken Enchiladas which I found the recipe for in the Food Network Magazine from August 2012. We enjoyed this dish and felt good about our choice to make it (rather than taking our typical Hump Day trip to La Hacienda) because we made our own enchilada sauce from scratch and knew exactly what went into it: jalapenos, garlic, thyme, EVOO, tomatoes and a little salt. 

My eyes were bigger than my stomach, and I only ate one of those bad boys, so you know what that means...leftovers for tomorrow's lunch! And yes, you'll note that we had black beans as a side. I told you I am becoming obsessed.

I hope everyone is having a great week. Until next time!