Friday, July 27, 2012

A Day of Celebrations

I'm so glad it is finally the weekend! I'll start by saying I completely over-indulged today and my tummy is paying for it now, but I will get to that more in a moment.

Backing up to yesterday, I started my morning with a whole wheat bagel thin topped with strawberry jelly and a side of banana slices. This breakfast was definitely on the sweeter side, but it did a nice job of filling me up regardless.

For lunch I finished off the chicken salad I made on Tuesday along with some celery sticks and fat free ranch dressing. 

The day kind of escaped me without doing a workout class, so Brooke and I decided to do a brisk walk to the Circle and back. While we did stop to enjoy ice cream cones at South Bend Chocolate Co., we felt it was justified due to the fact that we committed ourselves to walking in the extreme heat. I can't be for sure, but I'd be willing to say we sweated off the calories from the ice cream and then some. Or at least broke even?! ;-)

Last night for dinner I made the Greek Chicken Satay I meant to make on Wednesday. This is the second time this week that I've used our grill pan, and I'm slowly getting the hang of it. I still kind of burnt the chicken and I can't get the smell of it out of our house, but all and all the dish was pretty tasty.

I made couscous and put the chicken on top of it along with some feta and lemon juice. The chicken was marinated in a mixture of Greek yogurt, ranch dressing and chopped dill. I mixed extra marinade into the overall dish, too.

Today's breakfast was just quick oats and a banana, but since tomorrow is Kate's birthday, we all went out for lunch, and lo and behold, we had Greek food at Santorini's Greek Kitchen. It really didn't phase me to eat Greek food two days in a row since I'm such a HUGE fan of it!

We started by ordering one of the restaurant's best known dishes, the saganaki, also known as their famous 'flaming cheese' which is goat cheese that they light on fire (at  your table!) and everyone yells 'Opa!' Quite fun.

Ha, okay that picture makes it look as though there is just a random fire happening, but the other server is behind that pole. 

For my lunch I ordered one of my favorite foods, hummus! I got the small plate along with a bowl of Avgolemeno soup - this was a lemon-based soup with eggs, chicken, broth and orzo in it. Everything was delicious.

The whole group had a great time at Round 1 of Kate's birthday. We're all pumped to go out tomorrow for the real shenanigans! 

So, when we got back to work, we not only celebrated Kate's birthday with angel food cake with whipped cream topping and bananas, but we (somewhat sadly) also celebrated Brooke's last day in the HR department. She is staying with the company but moving to another part of the company and we're going to miss her SO much! :(

The artist of our group, Karlee, painted a canvas for Brooke that contained a 'Cuppie' tree. In HR we refer to cupcakes as 'cuppies'. 

We all signed a branch and called it her 'HR Family Tree.'

We also gave her a card and each wrote a favorite Brooke memory that Kate read aloud to her. There were definitely some tears but overall we're very happy for her and proud of her for being brave and trying new things!

So, of course we also had cuppies to enjoy and I made some guacamole. I didn't think anyone would eat it after being so full from lunch, but the bowl was practically licked clean, which made me pretty happy!

Guacamole Recipe

-3 avocados, seeded and mashed
-1 tomato, chopped
-1/2 of a red onion, finely chopped
-1 jalapeno, finely chopped
-small to medium handful of cilantro, chopped
-1 T. of kosher salt
-a generous squirt of lime juice

Just mix it all together and enjoy with your favorite tortilla chips!

So now you can see how I over-indulged today. I actually didn't eat any of the angel food cake, but that doesn't really make it much better. I think I'm going to have little-to-no dinner tonight, which I realize is bad, but my tummy is hurting! Oh well, I will get back on the wagon tomorrow.

Until next time.

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