Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Mid Week Blues Turn into Weekend 'Woo-Hoo's!'

My apologies for the lack of writing lately. Quite honestly, I've been in a little bit of a funk and I promised myself I'd never blog in a bad mood, because who wants to read about that?!

Today I am doing a little better so I thought I'd catch everyone up to speed.

On both Tuesday and Wednesday I was lazy and had Quaker Oats Quick Oats for breakfast. For whatever reason I have been going to bed too late this week and I've been super tired in the mornings, so a big cup of coffee has been the absolute perfect component to my oatmeal!

Sorry the picture is sideways. Oh the life of an i-Phone 3 owner - whoa is me!

Anyway, I always top my oatmeal with fresh cut fruit -- whatever I have on hand will work, but bananas are my favorite because they fill me up the best!

In Monday's post, I mentioned that I would be creating a 'Part 2' recipe with the shrimp that remained from our Cajun Shrimp Poboys. Lunch on Tuesday was my Cajun Shrimp Avocado Salad creation.

As you can probably tell in the short time I've written this blog, I absolutely love salad, but I am always looking for new ways to jazz it up. What better way to add a little pizzazz than with some shrimp?! Along with the seasoned shrimp and diced avocado, I also added chopped tomatoes and sliced red onion with oil and vinegar dressing. Since I've been on a black grapes kick, that was my side dish. YUM!

Jamers and I were bad last night. We went to La Hacienda for dinner because we had a coupon and because I was feeling sorry for myself and didn't want to cook. (It happens!) This is pretty much our favorite Mexican restaurant and we frequent it on pretty much a weekly basis. Jamers can attest to the fact that they have the most amazing red sauce in Indy!

Moving on to today, the highlight of my day was going to lunch with my three wonderful aunts and my little cousin, Amelia! If I haven't already mentioned it a time or two, she is pretty much the cutest thing on two legs.

Would you look at that face and those big brown eyes?! Plus who doesn't love a toddler with temporary tattoos? She is just a hoot. 

The five of us dined at Sahm's Tavern. Our table consisted of four salads and an order of French fries. One guess as to who had the fries. :-)

I opted for the salad lunch special, which was grilled chicken, red & green apples, almonds, red onion, feta cheese and poppyseed dressing. Yum!

But the best part of going to Sahm's is always the side of coffee cake you get with your meal. It's just a tiny sliver, but it is enough to get you through the hard times, let me tell ya!

Jamers always makes fun of me when I eat desserts at lunch. I don't know about you guys, but I have a BIG sweet tooth and could enjoy a sweet with every meal. Why do you think I always incorporate fruit into my breakfasts?!

Anyway, I am really glad to be over the hump this week, that's for sure! I know I mention this in pretty much every post, but I definitely have the best husband ever and I can't believe my good fortune every time I think about how lucky I am to have married him. He knew what a rough week it has been for me, and this is what was waiting for me when I got home:

That picture was taken with my actual camera and not my phone, hence the good quality! Now if I can only talk this wonderful husband of mine into letting me get a new i-Phone 4...

Until next time. ;-)

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