Thursday, July 12, 2012

Lower Back Pain = SAD FACE!

Happy Thursday, all. 

I was so happy with my PB & B bagel from yesterday's post that I went ahead and made one again for breakfast this morning. I'm one for eating the same thing a bunch of days in a row until I finally tire of it and move on to something else!

See how happy I was after that first bite?!

I also thought you might be interested to see the other side of my office, and not just my keyboard with a Styrofoam plate next to it. :-)

Thursday afternoon brought about another Boot Camp class, and this one was a doozy. I finished the warm ups and cardio circuit outside. Then we headed in for stations. I was three stations in when I started getting a really bad pain in my lower back. 

During our 5-day remodeling project, I was required to do a lot of heavy lifting while helping Jamers to move the scaffold (several times) as well as our ridiculously heavy furniture. He told me to quit lifting with my back, but I'm afraid I don't know what that means. I always thought my lower body was pretty strong, meaning my legs could do the work for me but I don't think that was the case.

Anyway, I started experiencing slight pain during all of the lifting, and it resurfaced about 3/4's of the way through today's class. Kelsey, our personal trainer, tried to help me stretch it out, but it didn't work, so I'm afraid I had to leave Boot Camp early. I was pretty bummed the rest of the afternoon as this was my first time in three years of doing this class that I was not able to complete the full hour. However, I knew it was for the best. 

My lunch was not too exciting, so it certainly didn't help perk me up, but it did fuel me to get through the rest of the afternoon. Turkey and cheese sandwich and an apple. 

There's that beautiful keyboard again, folks! I did at least get to enjoy some tasty Kraft Mayo with Olive Oil on my sandwich. It gives just the right tang without a lot of additives.

At any rate, I hope I am not slowly getting too old to do strenuous work out classes anymore.  30 is knocking on my door in the next few months. But I don't think that's it. I think I need to take my husband's advice and figure out how the heck to avoid 'lifting with my back.' 

I do think I tend to use my lower back in exercises that are meant to work other muscles. For example, the dreaded deadlift. Meant to strengthen your core and upper back, I feel like I overexert my lower body with this move and need to be more mindful of this if I want to keep going to fitness classes in the foreseeable future.

When I got home, I couldn't get to my heating pad soon enough. Jamieson was so kind as to make us dinner again tonight, while I pitifully laid on the couch in pain. <-- Husband of the Year Award? I think so! 

He made creamy risotto with asparagus. He likes working to perfect his risotto, and this one was pretty spot on, I must say! Glad there were leftovers for lunch tomorrow!

I will spend the rest of the evening relaxing and reading my book, which in case you've forgotten, is The Legacy by Katherine Webb. I'm almost halfway done and completely addicted to the story line. I don't know about you guys, but I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday!

Until next time.

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