Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Remodeling is under way!

Happy 4th of July! Day one of the remodeling project is over and we're about 10% done. We have our work cut out for us, that's for sure! I'm really excited to repaint and redecorate the office so that I can have a nice, peaceful place to blog. Right now it looks like this:

Don't be jealous of the lovely colors the previous owner painted on the walls. :-P We're going to paint all four walls a greenish-blue color called Sea Sprite and we're also getting rid of the desk and chairs pictured and (hopefully) replacing them with some new digs. 

We also started working on our front room, which was significantly more difficult due to how tall the ceiling is, (we're not only painting the walls in both rooms, but also the ceilings.)

Plus the previous owners built a tacky shelving unit right by our front door that Jamieson decided to rip out today on a whim:

Now, I know what you're probably thinking. Why is Jamieson doing all of the work. Please note that I was (Jamieson's words) very helpful. Somebody had to take the pictures!

Painting goggles - a new fashion accessory?
We worked from the time we woke up until the time we ate dinner, so needless to say, a workout was not in the cards today, but we definitely sweat enough to call out work exercise.

Food was sort of an on-the-go type deal with everything that was going on. For breakfast we ate bacon and eggs, for lunch we ate toasted sandwiches with chicken, cheese and Dijon mustard with  veggies and hummus, and for dinner we ate an all-American meal: pulled pork sandwiches with potato & macaroni salad and asparagus! Jamers slow cooked a pork shoulder all day (which was extremely tantalizing while we were working our butts off!) and then let it marinate is BBQ sauce. 

My mom came over to celebrate the 4th with us and enjoy some dinner. It was a good time. I made (what else?) smoothies for dessert again! Today's concoction was watermelon, mango, strawberries and Greek yogurt. I think I outdid myself!

This smoothie was ridiculously sweet and tart and oh-so-good. The perfect refreshing treat to end an exhausting day. And tomorrow we will start all over again! 

Until next time. 

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