Sunday, July 15, 2012

Back in Business & What a Great Weekend!

I'm terribly sorry for the lack of posting over the last couple of days. I know how silly it sounds, but not having a phone really turned my world upside down. I am up and running again, and even though I am 'slumming' it with the i-Phone 3, (I was not about to pay $550 for a new 4S outside of my contract) at least I am able to communicate with the outside world again! And despite everything, I've had an incredible weekend!

Backing up to Friday, the work day went really fast because it was filled with a lot of meetings and phone screening. I didn't participate in a workout class as my lower back was still pretty sore from my workout on Thursday so I worked through lunch and got out of the office at a decent time. It is right around the time I left work that I seemed to misplace my phone. Honestly, I think I left it on top of my car and drove off. :-( But I really have no idea.

Anyway, I had to hurry home because Jamers and I were meeting my cousin and his  girlfriend for dinner at Maggianos. The four of us have a 'Grub Club' in which we try to get together once a month to eat dinner and catch up. We've been pretty diligent about it since December of last year and it is always a lot of fun!

We all had lots of warm, crusty Italian bread and split a bruschetta appetizer. The main courses are HUGE there, so Jamers and I split the chicken and spinach manicotti. Of course, there was also plenty of Pinot Noir going around!

Saturday morning brought forth the 2nd Annual Float Trip on White River! I have to say that I am quite proud of all of my friends as they were all at my house and ready to float by 8:45AM -- on a Saturday nonetheless!

Look how excited/sleepy they are! We had a quick breakfast of donuts and coffee/juice, then headed to White River Canoe Company to float the day away. That's exactly what we did, too! We had so much fun when we did the float trip last year, we knew we had to do it again, and we decided to make it an annual event every year on the second Saturday in July!

Sorry, I would've taken pictures out on the water, but given my bad luck with electrical devices these past couple of days, I thought it was best to leave the camera on dry land. Regardless, it was a fun day indeed, and none of us wanted it to end! The water was pretty low in some areas since there hasn't been much rain this summer, but we were fine with that, because it made our trip last longer since we weren't going as fast!

After the float trip, I went to get my old phone reactivated and then Jamers and I got ready to go to my family dinner for our summer birthday celebration! 

We were celebrating Jamers birthday, which is August 5, as well as my Uncle Bill's and Aunt Cathy's (who both have July birthdays.) My aunt, Leanne and my cousin, Amelia are in town from San Francisco and they came to the party, too! It was so good to see them. My little cousin is growing up SO fast. Every time I see her, I feel like she's changed so much.

Isn't she so adorable?! We were watching Dora the Explorer here while she enjoyed some PB&J. I just love her! 

We had a ton of fun and my family spoiled Jamieson with many gifts, as usual!

Look at all that stuff. He was especially excited to have received several Lowe's gift cards to assist us with finishing up our home improvement projects. Andy even got to come along to my aunt and uncle's house, which he was super stoked about. Amelia enjoyed putting her Dora stickers on him, as well as on my mom and aunt's dogs. 

Dinner with my family never disappoints. All the food was wonderful and I hadn't really had a proper meal all day, so I had a hearty helping of everything! I enjoyed a chicken sausage with onions, relish & spicy mustard, as well as baked beans, potatoes and a marinated veggie salad. All of it was so good!

Then it was time for ice cream cake, which Amelia loved! Oh who am I kidding? We all loved it. Here is a photo of the birthday boys and girl:

I love spending time with my family! Jamers and I went home shortly after and fell asleep pretty quickly. It had been a long, but fun day! Today we are going to take it easy and try to get some chores done around the house. Again, my apologies for not writing more over the weekend. Hopefully my extra long post from today makes up for it!

Until next time.

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