Saturday, July 21, 2012

Carpet is gone

The remodeling of our front room continued today with ripping up the carpet and padding as well as painting the trim and front door. Thankfully, Jamieson's parents were so kind as to come down from Toledo to assist us with the work!

It was not pretty underneath, and now we have nothing but concrete in our front room and dining area until the carpet is installed on Monday. In the meantime all of our furniture is being housed in the garage and Jamieson has a truck load of disgusting, 20-year old carpet to haul off. 

Ah, the life of do-it-yourselfers. :-)

Our trim and door look awesome. Instead of dingy, smokers' off-white (which is weird because the previous owners did not smoke,) we now have a crisp, fresh coat of stark white paint that makes a huge difference and completely lights up the room!

Andy was as confused as he always is when we're doing projects. But he did enjoy the cool concrete floor in the heat of the summer.

Speaking of Andy, the poor little guy seems to have something wrong with his left ear. When I pet him of the side of his head earlier, he yelped really loud and then would not let any of us touch his ear without crying. :-( We'll have to get him in to see the vet in the next couple of days. I can't imagine what is wrong, but I just hate to see my precious boy in pain!

After we were done working for the day, Jamers and I took his parents out to dinner at Chatham Tap. We were also celebrating my father-in-law's birthday! The weather was actually quite nice today, and not the unbearable humidity we've had for the last few weeks, so we ate on their patio and had a great time!

Of course we all had to share an order of their amazing fried pickles, and I opted for the Smoked Gouda Apple Melt with fries. Everything was wonderful.

Then we went home and had German Chocolate Cake to celebrate both Duane and Jamieson's birthday. Jamers turns the big 3-0 in two weeks! I can hardly believe it.

Well, after a hard day of work, we're enjoying some R&R on the couch, so until next time!

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