Sunday, July 8, 2012

Magic Mike Night

Girls Night Out last night was absolutely amazing! As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I went to see Magic Mike with my friends, Brooke and Karlee and it was a blast!

Before the movie, Brooke and I got sushi for dinner at Naked Tchopsticks where we spent some quality time catching up with each other. We both ordered the restaurant's signature drink, the Plum Blossom and split two of the best rolls - the corona roll and the playboy roll!

The Plum Blossom is basically Saki and plum wine, and oh-so-good, but make sure you have a ride home if you order more than one! As for the rolls, the corona has spicy tuna, avocado and tempura chips on the inside with white tuna, time and wasabi mayo on the outside. The playboy consists of shrimp tempura, asparagus, spicy tuna and tempura chips on the inside and cooked shrimp with three specialty sauces on the outside. 

I apologize for not snapping a photo. We were honestly SO wrapped up in our conversation over drinks that we didn't even realize our food was taking a while. When our waitress told us that she was going to comp our drinks due to the long wait, we were pleasantly surprised!

After dinner we headed to Karlee's to see her new house, which is awesome! Then the three of us headed to the movie theater and enjoyed two blissful hours of this face:


The movie certainly won't win any Academy Awards, but for anyone who is looking for a fun flick to watch with your girlfriends, this definitely delivers. I do have to ask though...WHERE do male strippers actually look like that?!

We were definitely three happy campers after the movie and it was great spending time together outside of the office when we could let loose a little bit!

Brooke, Karlee & Tabby!

The movie didn't end until after midnight, so I fell asleep pretty late and slept in this morning, which felt great! Once we got up and going, Jamers wanted to go out for brunch at the local diner, Lincoln Square Pancake House. He got a Greek omelet (my husband loves Greek food!) and I got what was referred to on the menu as a Healthy Belgian Waffle.

It was pretty tasty! The waffle was topped with granola, Greek yogurt and strawberries. MMM! I was honestly pretty sleepy again after brunch, so the rest of our day consisted of running some errands (we have ordered our carpet for the front room!) and hanging out at home. 

We finally went to the grocery store, so no more eating out for a while! In fact, tonight I will be cooking dinner at home which will entail a recipe adapted from one of the blogs I love, Eat Yourself Skinny. I'm preparing coconut crusted chicken tenders with a warm honey vinaigrette dressing that we'll put in a salad. I hope it turns out well. I'll remember to take a picture this time.

Until next time! 

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