Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day #2 of Renovation

The second day of our home renovation is under our belts and we've made some good headway. We were ridiculously busy, and I didn't want my workout to get away from me again so I made sure to get it out of the way early. 

As soon as I woke up, I did level 1 of Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred, which I have done before but not for a while and it was exactly what I needed to get going with the day. For those who have never done this workout DVD, each level has three circuits and within each circuit you complete three minutes of strength training, two minutes of cardio work and one minute of abs. The whole workout probably takes about 25 minutes, but it was certainly enough for me to feel accomplished! 

After my workout, I made a quick breakfast using my new favorite type of bagel, Thomas' 100% Whole Wheat Bagel Thins. It was a simple peanut butter and banana sandwich and it was awesome!

Take a bite out of that!

After breakfast it was time to take Andy off to his day at the spa! That's actually a fancy term for Andy getting a much needed bath and nail trim, as well as getting his anal glands cleaned - his favorite. :-P Nonetheless, it needed to be done, and it was good to have him out of the house while we worked away!

We got a lot done today. We primed the office to ensure that the dark colors don't bleed through to my beautiful Sea Sprite, (I hope to have pictures of the color tomorrow.)

We also got the rest of the ceiling painted in the front room, and worked diligently to get a couple of the walls painted in there as well.

Look at that stance. :-)

Around lunch time I had a quick salad (red pepper, broccoli, carrots and feta) with some peppers and hummus to tide me over for the rest of the 'work' day. 

Shortly after lunch, it was time to pick Andy up from his spa day! He was well behaved and he looked and smelled beautiful!

Man, I look GOOD!

He was so tuckered out, he went straight to bed (after drinking a full bowl of water!) while we finished up for the day. The color we chose for our front room is called 'Mountaintop' and it has a grayish-blue hue that we really like. It completely opens up the room. The photo below shoes the before color (top) and the current color (bottom.)

Pretty impressive, eh?! We were so proud of our work that we treated ourselves by eating at one of our favorite restaurants, Q'doba! We both got naked burrito bowls...

 ...but the best part was the chips and queso! I felt a little guilty about it, but as Jamers pointed out, we have been burning calories ALL day, so I don't need to worry about it too much. At any rate, we're exhausted again today, so the night will entail zoning out in front of the TV. 

Until next time!

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