Monday, July 9, 2012

Oven Baked Chicken Tenders

Last night's dinner was a success! We used a recipe from Eat Yourself Skinny to make Coconut Chicken w/ Warm Honey Vinaigrette Salad. It was tasting and filling for a salad!

As per the directions posted in the link, to bread the chicken, you use egg white wash as your liquid and the following for dry ingredients: shredded coconut, Panko breadcrumbs, Rice Krispies (her recipe called for Corn Flakes, but I didn't have any) and salt. I also added a generous amount of black pepper. After you bread the chicken, you just spray each tender with cooking spray and bake for 30 minutes, turning the tenders half way through.

From there you just top some lettuce (and carrots) with the tenders and a homemade vinaigrette dressing which consisted of oil, vinegar, honey and Dijon mustard.

Mix it all together and what do you get? Yumminess for less than 400 calories a serving!

Today it was back to work after my five-day weekend. I had a lot to catch up on, so I needed a hearty dose of the overnight oatmeal that I blogged about in the July 3rd post. That always keeps me full through lunchtime, even if I use my lunch to workout, which I did today.

I did my Monday Pilates class again today and it was pretty tough after practically taking a hiatus from the gym last week. The planks are always the worst for me, no matter how many times I try them. I was more than hungry for lunch after the class, and I was excited to have leftover tenders with a honey mustard mixture I made at home! I enjoyed this with a side of cottage cheese, (great for eating post-workout by the helps a lot with muscle recovery, which I read about in this article) and a banana.

Ha! I realize now that you can't really see my tenders, but they're hiding back there! 

Jamers and I both got home a little later than we typically do, so we were happy to have a meal of leftovers on the menu for dinner. If you can believe it, we still have pulled pork leftover from the 4th of July so we took a new spin on the pork and made tacos! 

As you can see, we even had fresh guacamole on the tacos, which we wrapped in multi-grain tortillas. For the guac, I chopped and mixed the following:

1 avocado
1/2 of one Roma tomato
1/4 of a red onion
1 jalapeno
lime juice
(Sometimes I use cilantro, but we didn't have any. It was still good!)

I'm convinced I could live off of guacamole...maybe I'd get sick of it eventually, but I don't know. I love it so much! Sorry for all of the food photos today. I wanted to prove that we actually went to the grocery store!

So I will leave you with a non-food photo of Seth. One of the chairs from our front room is now planted in our kitchen until the remodeling is complete. Seth has claimed it as his own, and since he is so darned cute, I don't really mind one bit.

Oh, is this not my chair?
Well folks, I am going to try to convince my husband to stop watching the Home Run Derby so that we can catch up on our Gordon Ramsey shows!

Until next time!

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