Monday, July 23, 2012

New Carpet & A Special Birthday Gift

Hi, everyone!

It's a very happy day in our household, as we finally have new carpet in our front room and dining room! This may not seem like a big deal to most, but after dealing with awful, dirty white carpet for almost three years, this is quite the event. 

As you can see, Andy was pretty excited himself. I don't know if his excitement stemmed more from the new carpet or from the fact that the carpet installers were gone and he was no longer locked in the bedroom wimping.

Call me weird, but I am really looking forward to being able to see vacuum lines again - they are oh so gratifying!

Breakfast today was nothing special. Oatmeal, banana and coffee. Tomorrow I am finally bringing back the overnight oats! I've missed them.

At lunch I did Pilates class and it felt great. Tammi continued with more back strengthening today, which I really appreciated. I love leaving that class good and sweaty - never fails.

When it was time to actually eat lunch, I finally finished up the Greek Spaghetti & Meatballs from last week's post, which was really just orzo and marinara at this point because Jamers had eaten all of the meatballs. I ate a side salad as well as cottage cheese and a fruit medley.

After coming home and enjoying the carpet a bit more, I got to work on dinner. I threw together a dish I thought would deliver on both flavor and crunch. It doesn't really have a name because I've never made it before, but it was just Johnsonville Apple Chicken Sausage with brown rice and grilled veggies.

The veggies included both red and green peppers, red onion, zucchini and squash. All I used to season them was EVOO and S & P. I used an indoor grill pan on all of the ingredients (aside from the rice, of course) to get tasty grill lines like this:

I mixed it all together and this is what I got:

Are you drooling yet? Because you should be! This, along with a couple pieces of baguette bread, made a perfectly pro-portioned meal. Jamers devoured his after his softball game!

So, I think I may or may not have mentioned recently that Jamieson will be turning the big 3-0 in a couple of weeks (August 5th!) so I surprised him tonight with a special gift. My husband is originally from Toledo, OH, which means he is a big Detroit Tigers fan, so I got us tickets to a game on August 4th! I have never been to Comerica Park myself, and I know Jamers is always down for a good ball game (esp. when it's the Tigers!), so I thought, why not?! He seemed pretty pleased with the gift. :-)

Hooray for surprises and weekend 'get-a-ways!'

Until next time.

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