Monday, July 2, 2012

Short Work Week

Today began my wonderful two-day work week, and I'm excited to say that tomorrow is my Friday! With the 4th of July falling on a Wednesday this year, Jamers and I thought it'd be nice to take the rest of the week off to have a little 'stay-cation' and get some much needed home improvement projects done. I'll keep you posted on that. 

Last night's dinner was absolutely delectable, and since I didn't realize until half-way through preparing it that I was making six servings, we definitely have leftovers for tonight's dinner! Leftovers on a Monday are the best, because who is really that motivated to cook a big meal on the worst day of the week?

We prepared Penne Rigate alla Vodka found on a great blog many of you may've already visited - Eat Yourself Skinny! Her recipes are healthy, but realistic and, most importantly, really tasty!

We enjoyed this dish with warm, crusty Italian bread that we dipped in pesto and we were definitely full afterwards. 

I did get to enjoy my light reading as I mentioned in yesterday's post, which was the perfect way for me to fall asleep. I am currently reading The Legacy by Katherine Webb. I'm only in the first few chapters, but it is already pulling me in for the long haul. I love mystery novels about family secrets! I'll be sure to let you know what I think once I'm done. I also dived into this month's edition of Self Magazine which features Fergie on the cover. I love Self for all of the inspirational stories, workout and meal plan ideas, and the cute style.

For breakfast this morning, I ate overnight oats, which I will write more about later, as I am still perfecting my recipe. For those who don't know what overnight oats are, you can read more about them by visiting my absolute favorite blog (other than my own!), Peanut Butter Fingers. I try to read this blog every day. Julie knows what blogging is all about and she really inspires my inner creativity. 

I did a lunch time workout today by participating in the Pilates class that is offered at my office. I found my inner balance and strengthened my core for the better part of an hour until I was covered in sweat. Such a good workout! 

Afterwards, it was time to eat lunch! Jamers made NY strips on the grill Saturday night and since they were rather large, we had some leftovers which we sliced thin and used to make salads for lunch! 

To make the salad, I used spinach, the steak, feta cheese and chopped red pepper. I used my favorite salad dressing, oil and vinegar and ate the salad with a side of sliced peppers and hummus. DELISH! The salad had the perfect amount of salty and sweet with the feta and the red pepper. I don't know about you guys, but nothing beats a refreshing salad on a hot summer day like today. Happy as a clam was I. 

So now we are going to reheat some of last night's feast and settle in for an evening of Gordon Ramsey a la Hell's Kitchen and Master Chef. Any other viewers out there?! If so, who do you predict will win?

Until next time!

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