Friday, July 20, 2012

It's the Freakin' Weekend!

Welcome to the weekend, folks! I think I read this somewhere on Pinterest, (where else?) but isn't cruel how Monday is so far away from Friday, but then Friday is so terribly close to Monday?! Oh well, it doesn't keep me from being excited every single Friday, this one included. 

I realize I'm a bit behind on my posts. Yesterday was a busy day that didn't end until close to midnight and, sadly, left very little time for writing. Backing up to dinner on Wednesday, we ate a beautiful meal that consisted of an Italian dish with a Greek twist, Greek Spaghetti and Meatballs

One would think there was a special occasion going on at our house with that table setting, but it was just your typical Wednesday evening! The dish was made with lamb meatballs and orzo as opposed to the usual meal and pasta used in spaghetti and meatballs. As you can see to the far left, Jamers and I buy feta cheese in bulk Costco and use it in practically everything we eat...

There is really no reason for the above photo, other than to showcase the cuteness that is my husband!

In traditional Jamieson fashion, there was enough food to feed an army which meant there were plenty of leftovers, including some for my good friend, Rob. :-)

For those who read the blog and may not know Rob, I feel I should explain why I am constantly bringing lunch to this person. Rob is one of my co-workers, (more importantly, one of my good friends) who never eats unless food is brought to him. He's one of two men in our ~10 people HR department, and all of us girls are constantly getting after him for not eating lunch. So I decided to take some action by just bringing his lunch to him (sometimes), and low and behold, it works! 

Anyway, on Thursday I finally got back into a fitness routine, thank goodness!

I began the day with my 'Elvis' special, PB & B on a bagel thin. A Tabby-pleaser as per usual!

The quality of some of my photos are quite poor, my apologies. Sadly, this girl is not getting a new phone anytime very soon. Apparently I need to believe the rumors of an iPhone 5 coming out soon and just hold out for that. C'est la vie.

I went back to Boot Camp yesterday, despite the back problems it caused me last week. Warm ups were outside and it was not pleasant. I'm not going to lie and said I gave 100%, but at least I finished class this week. We did stations again, and I'll admit that I had to lower my weight on some of the stations. For example, the leg press had 180 lbs on it, which I can usually do, but I cut that in half yesterday. The pain just isn't worth it!

I'm actually looking into restructuring my workout plan and I'd ultimately like to get to a point where I can get up and workout in the morning before going to work. That is a huge commitment that I've never really been ready for, and I'm still not ready but Jamers and I have definitely discussed the idea. I just think it would be a good start to the day and I'd love to not spend my afternoon in the office looking like a sweaty mess. But, hey. That's why we have a gym where we work, right?

Anyway, after Boot Camp I was hungry as always and I was rather pumped for my tuna salad lunch with Triscuits and (duh!) black grapes!

A big YUM. 

After work I went to my friend Jackie's house to finally see her new baby girl, Isabella, who was born on May 17th (my mom's birthday!) We spent some time catching up and chatting, and since I was in the area, I stopped at Yats to get dinner for Jamieson and me. 

For those who live in Indy and haven't dined at Yats, you're missing out to say the least. They serve Cajun Creole awesomeness that is perfect on nights like last night when we FINALLY got a big thunderstorm and were in need of a little comfort food!

I realize my plate looks like cafeteria slop, (ha!) but that divine cuisine is actually Chili Cheese Etouffee with crawfish. Plus, their bread cannot be beat. I don't even know what they do to that freaking bread that makes it so good, but it is heaven. 

So that takes us up to today, FRIDAY! My breakfast was boring: Quaker Quick Oats with a banana. But the exciting part was that I failed to set our coffee pot timer at home and I was in such a hurry that I didn't have time to wait for it to brew...sooooo, I stopped at Starbucks!

This is a true treat for me, as I generally can't justify spending $4 on a cup of Joe but desperate times call for desperate measures!

I treated myself to a Grande Skinny Vanilla Latte and I enjoyed every last drop! 

Pilates was on the schedule for today's fitness class, and it was great! Tammi, our instructor, has been incorporating a lot of back strengthening exercises in the last couple of weeks and her timing couldn't be better for me, for obvious reasons.

When I got done working out I ate some of the leftover Greek spaghetti and meatballs for lunch, along with some cottage cheese and a tomato. For whatever reason I forgot to take a picture.

Tonight was fun because we had our friends, Ashley and Kurt over for a calzone dinner from Puccinis. They had an exterminator coming out to their house so they, along with their two dogs, had to be out of the house for a couple of hours. What better excuse for them to come over to play for a bit? It was good to catch up and watch their dogs and Andy act ridiculous. 

So, now we're in full-fledged weekend mode. Relaxing with a couple of cocktails and watching the Tigers game/blogging. I hope all of you are enjoying the start of your weekends!

Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. Still have never been to Yatz. I'm putting it on my foursquare to-do list.
