Sunday, July 29, 2012

New Furniture!

I don't have time to write a really long post, but I did want to let you all know that we've purchased new furniture that we'll have in our front room on Tuesday! We were only shopping for a sectional, but we ended up finding a pretty good deal for a set that included a sectional and a swivel chair that we pretty much fell in love with, so we had to do it.

Would you look at that chair?! I can't wait to get lost in it. And here's a photo of the couch:

There's Jamers contemplating pricing. We bought the set from Value City and can't wait to see how it all looks in the nearly complete room! It's finally all coming together.

After furniture shopping, we went to celebrate two of my sister's birthdays. Ashley turned 11 and Stephanie turned 7. Where has time gone? So we hung out with the family for a while and watched the girls open their gifts.

I can't wait to see Steph in that dress. She'll look adorable!

Last night the HR department went out for Kate's birthday and we had a fabulous time! We started at Kilroy's then headed to Cadillac Ranch to dance the night away.

I love my co-workers! 

Today I took it easy and spent the majority of the day at the pool with my mom, just relaxing and catching up. I've been so busy this summer that I've had very little time to go to the pool and I really enjoyed it, expect for the fact that there were a ton of bees! But at least the weather was bearable and the water felt awesome.

For dinner tonight, Jamers and I tried something new: Avocado & Egg Pitas

Recipe (makes 4 pitas)

-1 avocado
-4 T of chickpeas
-pinch of cumin
-salt & pepper
-4 eggs
-4 whole wheat pita pockets
-cilantro, chopped
-lime juice

All you do is mash the avocado and chickpeas together and season with cumin, S&P. Meanwhile, hard boil the eggs, then peel and slice them. Then you just divide the avocado mixture among the four pitas and top with some of the hard boiled egg. Add a little cilantro and lime juice to each pita and you're done!

These were super easy and tasted pretty good! Each pita packed a lot of protein from the eggs and beans, so after eating two each we were pretty satisfied.

Now off to finish the weekend with a little TV-watching and getting ready for the week.

Until next time!

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