Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Beautiful, Blooming Flowers!

Hi, everyone!

I hope you are all having a wonderful Tuesday. While mine was crazy-busy, I feel pretty accomplished overall. After getting going with my favorite breakfast, (what else - overnight oats!) I was able to get going on my day. 

When Boot Camp rolled around, I was ready for a break, and it certainly delivered! We did the same warm ups I discussed in last Tuesday's post and completed the rest of the workout outside. It was so nice to have temperatures under 100 degrees today, and the fresh air was just what I needed to rejuvenate myself for the day!

Lunch time produced the final portion of pulled pork, as I was quickly running out of ways to use these leftovers. I put what was left in a salad.

To the spinach and pulled pork I added tomato, red onion and cucumber. It was great! I enjoyed it with more cottage cheese as well as with some hummus and peppers.

Jamieson worked from home this morning as the contractor was coming out to measure for our new carpet in the front room. I'm so excited to have our awful white, Berber carpet replaced. It must've been installed when the house was built in the early 90s. We're getting a darker color (great for pets!) called Maple Sugar. Right now I only have a sample square, so I'll be sure to take pictures when I have something of more substance for you.

Apparently, Andy was a bit skeptical to have a stranger in the house, and he retreated to his new 'safe place' on the top of our recliner in the living room before being locked in a bedroom because he kept getting in the way of the contractor.

Who does this guy think he is?!
By the time I got home from work, my wonderful husband was also painting the trim in my beautiful new office and as soon as that dries, I can finally begin the best part - decorating!

We had planned to make a lemon basil chicken dish, but could not muster the energy, and we're still stuck on what we should eat in it's place. Any suggestions?

One of the 'chores' I look forward to each day when I come home from work is water my huge flower collection that I've put together this year. Jamers and I got married last September, and our spring/summer months were completely dedicated to planning and executing the biggest party of our lives. This left very little time to tend to flowers, so I didn't plant any, and I sure did miss them. 

Pretty flowers and a handsome hound. :)
This is a shot of our front porch.
They really brighten my day! I always complain about having to water them, but once I get out there and start, it really soothes me and allows me 10 minutes of peace in my day. And don't we all need a little peace in our lives?! I know I do.

I have to say, I'm pretty proud!

At any rate, we should probably figure out a dinner plan while it is still light out, so until next time!

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