Friday, July 6, 2012

We have paint!

Well folks, both of the rooms we've been working on are all painted! What a huge feeling of accomplishment for Jamers and me! It took us all day today, but the front room is now 'Mountaintop' and the office, 'Sea Sprite.' 

After getting going with a breakfast of Thomas' 100% Whole Wheat Bagel Thins with egg whites and strawberry jelly, it was time to get to work!

The white, primed walls of my office were staring me in the face, and I couldn't wait to get this beautiful color all over the walls.

Not sure how well you can see it in this picture, but I am IN LOVE with this color. If you recall the awful colors I photographed in Wednesday's post, you'd understand why.

Jamieson did the brunt of the work in the front room, God love him. He had to stand on a ladder, on top of a scaffold in order to reach our extremely tall ceilings. It was not easy, but totally worth the results. 

I know it looks like the color above the crown molding is different than the color below it, but the top part was still drying and the light doesn't hit it as much. Check out that good-looking cat sitting in the window sill - Seth Cohen!

As I mentioned before, Seth is our other 'child' and Andy's youngest 'brother.' A lot of people ask me if they get along. I don't know if that is quite the word for their relationship. They may as well be from the same species, the way those two act. And in the typical feline-to-canine ratio, Seth is definitely the 'alpha dog' between the two of them.

Here is a photo I took of them today that pretty much sums up their relationship:

Shouldn't the cat be on the top part of the chair??

Look how they sleep so peacefully while their mom and dad slave away! 

Anyway, lunch time couldn't come soon enough with all the work we were doing, and I was quite excited about the menu. Leftover pulled-pork sandwiches from the 4th of July, macaroni salad and, (the best part!) fresh watermelon!

I only had about three of those large slices of watermelon, and I could've eaten more if it weren't time to get back to work. It was so refreshing and hydrating!

We both finally finished our rooms a little before 5:00 today, and as I anticipated, I am completely in love with the results of my Sea Sprite:

I can hardly wait to start putting my stuff in there and decorating! Tomorrow we will paint the trim around the bottom and do any needed touch ups but after that it will be time to make the space mine...or, um...ours. You know what I mean!

Sadly, all of our projects have left very little time for other items that need to get done, such as grocery shopping. For that reason, we're dining out again this evening. We're going to our favorite local pizza joint, Puccini's! Maybe we'll get pizza, maybe sandwiches. I don't know! All I know is I am pumped to eat, but what's new??

Until next time!

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